The wind in the forest are rummaging in agony
The cow giving birth with smiles all over her face
My heart is pained from the joy of living
While death is fed up that it vomits souls in Hades
Ironies of life with no compensation Wrongest fruit plucked without remorse
Pain a thing spoken about among the down trodden
Yet the joy of living and the hope to rise a again is alight
Beware soul brother lest you fight for no just course
The earth if the Lord’s and the inhabitants there off
Yet called to glory aint glorious anymore
Weep my beloved heart from the pain of joy
Let laughter come to you in mourning regalia
Do not let the candle light pass you by
For darkness is a thing to behold with eyes open
For like a bright shining light it appears
Moving in the distance beckoning unto you
Yet those that have gone never returned
What joy can I really find in my pain
Joseph Success (Sacred Rose)
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