take a stab, rather than a poke,
hurtful jokes, and aggravated looks,
the sandy paradise sure doesn't float,
all by itself...
Remotely lost,
financial vacation cost,
sexless relationship botched,
let's keep fighting over who is captain,
the battle lines can't contain,honeymoon pain...
Commitment is...
a washed up failure,
disparage, or "marriage"
both are jaded mirages...
Marooned alone,
time to atone, rather than stone,
cheating jibs, and painful jabs,
the shore has receded fast,
how long can this love last?
Mutinous spoils,
light a fire and toil,
the alcohol has already spoiled,
let's keep bitching over every last drop,
until we're both dead, that's when we'll stop,
reception flopped...
Commitment is...
a washed up failure,
disparage or "marriage"
both are jaded mirages...
Onoharigho Rukevwe (Silhoutte)
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