Behold thy sister - on a journey so long,
behold she leaves to return no more,
behold thy sister - thy only companion,
remember your times for there'll never be more,
wipe your tears 'for she's gone already,
no matter the wail she ne'er return,
begin to mourn - for your sister is dead,
oh this lad shall wail but the deed is done,
silence and seethe have crept in to stay,
to sharpen his pain and succor disdain,
he'll carry
the load all - all alone,
just grief his psyche and spirit to maim,
his life alone - a future of dread,
his morn of mourn shall be of dark,
the pain of loss shall be his
and his nights in cold and torment to hark
worry not long, temporal it is,
for you'll see her yon, on the land of blissful lore,
thy sister is near on a land far away,
yea! you'll meet again to depart nevermore!
- Mbanaso Samuel Nzube (Sacred Sage)
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